
Tragedies of Kerry by Dorothy McArdle



The centenary of the Counter-Revolution of 1922/23 is an appropriate time for a reprint of Dorothy McArdle's classic 'Tragedies of Kerry'.

With this line Martin Ferris opens his preface to this new print of timeless publication.  When first written by Dorothy McArdle in 1924 the events described were still vivid and raw for those families and their loved ones who had suffered and endured.

In her forward to the original print Dorothy McArdle wrote 'Around Kerry', in the autumn and winter of 1923, an ominous wall of silence was drawn. The rumours that came through were so terrible that they were scarcely believed. 

Those rumours were less terrible than the truth'.  There are those who would wish for these events to be forgotten. But it is important that they are remembered.

Martin in his preface states 'Dorothy McArdle wrote in a restrained way, to give the facts, not to foster bitterness or vengeance. In the same vein, we should commemorate Kerry's Republican dead of 1922/23 today'.


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